
Frequently Asked Questions


Plan on about $200 – $300 spending money for each cheerleader.

Yes, as close as possible. We can work with you to adjust the monthly payments as needed.

A complete list of items required for the trip to Hawaii will be sent to each cheerleader in their Welcome Packet. A few items on the list include workout clothing for 4 sessions, light/airy clothing, spending money, a new T-shirt from your high school, and your cheerleading uniform.

We have a few top NCAA Division I Cheer Coaches working the instructional sections. These are the only collegiate coaches that will be in attendance. This is a great opportunity for you to contact the colleges you are interested in and let them know you have been selected to attend the CheerHawaii USA invitational and will be working with professional and collegiate coaches.

All cheerleaders are required to stay in the University of Hawaii dorms. Specifically, we stay in the Frear Hall dorms on campus. For more information about the dorms, please visit their website: University of Hawaii at Manoa, Frear Hall.


Most of the family and friends will stay in Waikiki, which is about 5-10 minutes away from the University of Hawaii. Our suggested travel agent can place you in the hotels with other CheerHawaii USA family and friends.

CheerHawaii USA has a rigorous schedule of cheer instruction and activities. To spend more time with your family in Hawaii, we suggest you arrive or depart earlier/later. However, family and friends are welcome to join us at most of our activities including, but not limited to, the Final Showcase, the BBQ at Pipeline beach, the Polynesian Cultural Center, shopping at the Swap Meet, and any of the workouts.


Yes. CheerHawaii USA has an health aide on staff, 24 hours a day. A certified sports trainer is also present at every workout. For anything more serious, there is a hospital within a close distance to the university in the event anyone is injured and needs emergency medical treatment.

We are very strict with our security regulations. Cheerleaders are never allowed to leave campus without supervision.  Security will be provided by CheerHawaii USA and the University of Hawaii. Any cheerleader who violates the CheerHawaii USA or University of Hawaii regulations will have their parents notified and the cheerleader will be sent home.


The Honolulu airport is about 15 – 20 minutes from the campus and about 5-10 minutes from the hotels in Waikiki.

A complete list of items required for the trip to Hawaii will be sent to each cheerleader in their Welcome Packet. A few items on the list include workout clothing for 4 sessions, light/airy clothing, mosquito repellant, spending money, a new T-shirt from your high school, and your cheerleading uniform.

An Exciting Itinerary

Every day is packed with workouts and touring the island. CheerHawaii USA is a unique blend of a college-prep experience and a vacation of a lifetime!